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San Carlos Yacht Club



The Yacht Club is currently accepting applications for Flag Membership (voting members) from likeminded individuals and couples who reside (full or part time) in the San Carlos area or those who visit for prolonged periods of time. 


Completed applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee and acted upon by the Board of Directors after being posted for 30 days in the Clubhouse. During the 30-day review period prospective members are allowed and encouraged to participate in Club activities and to meet as many members as possible. This is the perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other. After the 30-day review period and acceptance by the Board of Directors, applicants are formally introduced to the Club at one of the Club’s weekly dinner banquets.


Corporate Memberships are also available to businesses interested in the activities of the San Carlos Yacht Club. Businesses may apply for Corporate Membership which provide guest privileges to 4 individuals during the sponsorship year. Corporate Members will have full access to the Club and enjoy member pricing for all activities, the bar and restaurant.

More Information

Membership Application

Non-voting guest privileges are also available under certain circumstances to those visiting San Carlos:

Members of another Yacht Club.

The San Carlos Yacht Club extends guest privileges for 7-days after verification that their membership in another club is active and in good standing. During the 7-day period the visiting yacht club member will have full access to the Club and enjoy member pricing for all activities, the bar and restaurant.  

Those visiting San Carlos

Visitors may also be granted guest privileges as noted above for 30 days. Guest privileges will be offered to those who complete an application and are approved.



  • For full Flag Membership the Club charges a one-time initiation fee is $10,000 pesos
  • Annual dues are $11,000 pesos for couples, $8,200 pesos for individuals. 
  • The initiation fee is payable at the time of the application, annual dues (prorated) are due within 60 days of application.
  • The 30-day review process does not start until payment is received.
  • Although rare, some applications may not be ultimately accepted. If, for any reason, an application is rejected, all collected funds would be returned.
  • Corporate Sponsorships are available for $23,000 pesos for any two employees and one guest each.
  • 7-day visiting guest privileges for members of other yacht clubs is without charge.
  • Visiting guest privileges will be offered at $2,000 pesos for a single month.